Thursday, July 14, 2016

Finding the Right Tankless Water Heater for You

Many households are swapping out their traditional storage water heaters with the tankless variety for reasons such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, and space-saving feature. When you're ready to change your Broken Arrow home's water heating system or are simply planning to add one or more units in your house, it's best to find which of the available tankless water heater options fits your needs best.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Reliable Plumbers Explain How You can Make Tap Water Safer to Drink

Many people say that buying bottled water is a waste of money, mainly because tap water is perfectly fine! But with the events in Flint, Michigan, even the staunchest critics of bottled water have reason for pause. Yet the reality remains: buying bottled water is crazy expensive. Just to compare, the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) states that a gallon of bottled water costs about $1.21 in 2013. The cost of municipal water? Two dollars for every thousand gallons. Is there a way to get safe drinking water without sending money down the drain? As plumbers serving the Tulsa area will tell you, there absolutely is: a home water filtration system that connects to your home’s water source, allowing it to filter a wide variety of impurities before water is channeled into your faucets.

Ways Plumbers Keep Your Heaters in Tip-top Shape

Water heaters, whether the tank or tankless variety, will need professional care in order to ensure that they run at their peak condition at all times. Remember that it's just not the hot water your heater dispenses that's important; it's also essential that your water heater runs efficiently during its entire service life of anywhere from 10 to 20 years. The best way to keep your Broken Arrow home's water heater in good shape is to have experienced plumbers inspect or repair it. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Tankless Water Heater Service Provider on Troubleshooting Your Unit

For a lot of homes, a water heater is not just a luxury but a necessity. From hot showers to dishwashers, a steady stream of heated water is definitely a much-appreciated convenience. That’s why many people have opted to install tankless water heating systems in their home. Unlike traditional water heaters, tankless types are “on-demand.” Instead of storing water in a tank that is perpetually heated, a tankless system functions much simpler: the water passes through a heating component right before it comes out of your shower or faucet. As such, you only consume electricity at the moment of use, allowing you to save up to 20% on electricity bills. That being said, a tankless water system will encounter hiccups every now and then. Infinity Plumbing Services, which provides tankless water heater service, offers the following troubleshooting tips for homeowners like you.